As early as 1856, the construction of a railway line between Cuneo and Ventimiglia was put under study by the Kingdom of Piedmont-Sardinia
In 1860 took place the separation of the County of Nice, including Breil and Fontan. Saorge, then French, suspended the realization of the line on these towns with the agreement of the French army. On May 16, 1914, the railway was put into service between Ventimiglia and Airole. The tracks were laid until Piène. Due to the war, the inauguration did not take place until 1928.
The Piène station was built to serve the Franco-Italian frontier Piène-Basse hamlet, and the populations of the dominant hamlets of Piène-Haute and Libre.
Although of modest dimensions, the Trap station adopts the neoclassical architectural style of the stations of the FS on this line. The architecture of the Piène station is thus different from the “Nice style” constructions built at the same time by the PLM company on the French section. (PLM: Paris Lyon Méditerranée – former national railway company)
The design of the arcade tunnel bridge, signed with the monogram of the FS, as well as the care given to the masonry brick and stonework, combine the strength of the work and the elegance of the finishes.
It should be noted the modernist architecture of the electric substation, vast hall built on the side of road to feed the line.
The set constituted by the Piène station and its base type bridge over the road, near a ravine (former border of Riou), in a steep slope along the Roya river, is exceptional despite its state of abandonment.