Castrum ruins of Borgo San Dalmazzo

The park rises on the slopes of the hill of Monserrato, raised a few metres above Via Grandis and develops along the ridge of the foothills, from where in some areas, the access to the two valleys can be observed.

Typology Ruins

Period Before 1380

Accessibility Yes

Visitable Yes

Documented since the 12th century, but probably of more ancient origin, the Castrum of Borgo San Dalmazzo stood on the crest of the Monserrato hill allowing control of the three valleys that descend to the village: Gesso, Stura and Vermenagna valleys.

Several sources of the time mention the Castrum de Pedona as the site of different historical events, among which the meeting between the emperor, of the Holy Roman Empire, Federico Barbarossa and the Count of Barcelona Raimondo Berengario who died here (1162). Destroyed for the first time in 1231; rebuilt at the end of the same century, the castrum was conquered and destroyed several times over the centuries until the eighteenth century when the area of ​​the Monserrato hill was put up for sale and purchased by the Grandis family.

The ruins rise in the upper part of the park and are today covered by vegetation and in a precarious state. Despite this situation, the base part of one of the sighting towers is clearly visible. In the lower part of the hill, the remains of the curtains alternate with supporting walls of the upper terraces. Halfway up, the ruins of a rectangular building of about 28×8 m rise, named by some sources of the 16th century as the “giesiassa”. Far away in a westerly direction there are some remains of a cylindrical tower about 10 m high and characterized by splayed lancet windows open towards the outside of the walls. At the top of the hill (altitude of 705m), there are the bases of a cylindrical tower of about 3 m in diameter, and a few metres away, an imposing wall of 5 m in length which could probably have been a shoulder of the castle. The construction system of these elements, composed of salvaged bricks alternated with river stones, allows us to date the structure to the fifteenth century.

Conditions of visit

The ruins of the Castrum of Borgo San Dalmazzo stand in Parco Grandis, the park that rises on the hill of Monserrato and which was once annexed to the family home of Sebastiano Grandis.
The park is accessible thanks to a driveway located near the first bend in Via Monserrato. Inside there are some paths, which can be travelled on foot, leading to the ruins.
To see the ruins, you need to access Parco Grandis; the park is open for security reasons from May to October; free entry.


Additional information


  • Mario Perotti, Repertorio dei monumenti artistici della Provincia di Cuneo , vol. II, Territorio dell’antico Principato di Piemonte, tomo I, pp. 87 89;
  • Gianni Chiaramello Gian Michele Gazzola Beppe Rosso, Temi urbanistici su Borgo San Dalmazzo XVI XX secolo , Schedario Tecnico Editore, Borgo San Dalmazzo 1991, pp. 8 9;
  • Walter Cesana, Borgo San Dalmazzo, porta delle Alpi marittime. Ambiente, arte, cultura, folklore, tradizioni, curiosità , edizioni tecn iche, Robilante, 1997, pp. 59 60.
  • Paolo Albertini, Borgo San Dalmazzo, passato e presente , Edizioni Uniart, Roddi d’Alba 1998, pp. 62 63.
  • A cura di Associazione Culturale Pedo Dalmatia, Pedonando per le strade di Borgo San Dalmazzo tra storia e antiche tra dizioni , Edizioni Tecniche, Borgo San Dalmazzo, 2013, pp. 13 14.
  • AA.VV., Temi urbanistici su Borgo San Dalmazzo XVI XX secolo , Schedario tecnico editore, 1991, p.8.

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