Inaugurated in June 2017, the museum hosts numerous and varied original pieces that allow you to follow a path dedicated to the means of spreading sound and information. The development of communication over the centuries is illustrated through ingenious inventions, epochal discoveries, elegant gramophones, designer radios and some immersive productions, including the reproduction of a typical elementary school class of the 1940s. The collection unwinds from the eighteenth century to the present day, and illustrates, some small, great little-known historical curiosities. Among others we note some phonographs of the XVIII century, crystal radio receiver with OUDIN circuit in 1923-2, with copper coil and headphones to listen and principle with amplitude detection and some specimens of rural radio, receivers at fixed price and with standardized characteristics promoted in the times of fascism by the Rural Radio Agency, destined for collective meeting areas, rural environments and schools.
The collection displayed in the museum stems from the passion for collecting that has come to count more than 500 pieces including gramophones, music boxes, telegraphs, radios. The museum is managed and promoted by the MUS.S.COM Association.