Saint Sauveur Parish Church

The church is located on the main square of the medieval village.

Accessibility No

Visitable Yes

Saint-Sauveur church was completed around 1498.
The wide semicircular arches separating the large nave from the narrow collaterals are representative of the basilica churches still built during the so-called “Alpine Gothic” transition period.

From the beginning of the 17th century, as part of the Counter-Reformation, the chapel began to be redecorated with Baroque taste. The notables and brotherhoods of the town, between 1610 and 1663, founded lateral chapels. Altars and altarpieces were decorated with rococo style.

The main portal has retained its original frame, fifteenth century lintel representing the paschal lamb.

The stepped high altar (1734) is typical of the Ligurian art of the time. It separates the heart from the high choir. A closed niche with a double repelled copper gateway representing the village contains the relics of Saint-Claude, patron of Saorge since 1691.

Stalls in eighteenth century walnut surround the high choir. We can see a painting of Saint-Claude presenting Saorge to the Virgin carrying Jesus.

Conditions of visit

By car from t RD 6204 road, in Fontan, take RD 38 road. Parking at the entrance of the village.

The access to the church is reserved to valid persons because of the steep slopes and many steps to cross.

Daily opening to the public (10am – 6pm)


Additional information


  • Astro Charles et Thevenon Luc, La peinture au XVIIe siècle dans les Alpes-Maritimes, Éditions Serre, Nice, 1985
  • Botton Charles et Gaber Jean, Histoire de Saorge et Fontan, Les Editions du Cabri, Breil-sur-Roya, 2009.
  • Cabagno Joseph, Visite archéologique, historique et religieuse de Saorge « Village monumental », Mémoires, Tome XV, Institut de préhistoire et d’archéologie des Alpes-Maritimes, 1971-1972.
  • Rodi Silvano, Saorgin René, Orgues historiques des vallées de la Roya et de la Bevera, Les Editions du Cabri, Breil-sur-Roya, 2003.
  • Thévenon Luc, L’art du Moyen Âge dans les Alpes méridionales, Éditions Serre (collection patrimoines), Nice, 1983.
  • Thévenon Luc et al., Pénitents des Alpes Maritimes, Editions Serre, 2008.

Useful links

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