Discover the baroque art in Vermenagna- Roya

Cross-border area Yes

Means of transport en voiture

In the Roya and Vermenagna valleys there are numerous Baroque churches and chapels of the 17th and 18th centuries, but also neo-baroque decorations of the 19th century, or even some earlier buildings (late Romanesque and Alpine Gothic) which were equipped with altars and baroque altarpieces during the counter-reformation.

The cross-border baroque itinerary proposes more specifically the visit of the assets whose overall design is characteristic of the renewal of religious architecture in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, and whose mannerist rococo or more classic decorations, were then reproduced by the artists who circulate between Nice, Genoa and Turin.

Itinerarie's heritage

  1. Chiesa Parrocchiale di San Dalmazzo, Borgo San Dalmazzo
  2. Minor churches and chapels, Borgo San Dalmazzo
  3. Santuario di Monserrato, Borgo San Dalmazzo
  4. Confraternita di Santa Croce, Borgo San Dalmazzo
  5. Confraternita di San Giovanni Battista Decollato, Borgo San Dalmazzo
  6. Chiesa Parrocchiale Visitazione di Maria Vergine, Roccavione
  7. Chiesa della Confraternita di Santa Croce, Roccavione
  8. Chiesa Parrocchiale di San Donato, Robilante
  9. Minor churches and chapels on the municipal territory, Robilante
  10. Santuario Madonna di Valle (or della Madonnina), Vernante
  11. Minor churches in the municipal territory, Limone Piemonte
  12. Chapel of the Black Penitents, known as the Mercy, Tende
  13. Chapel of the White Penitents, known as the Holy Annunciation and the Ascension of the Lord, Tende
  14. White Penitents Chapel, known as de l’Assomption (Assumption), known as des Blancs d’en bas (the Whites from below), La Brigue
  15. White Penitents Chapel, known as de l’Annonciade, known as des Blancs d’en Haut (The Whites from Above), La Brigue
  16. Saint-Michel Chapel, La Brigue
  17. Set of hamlets, chapels and road of Berghe Inférieur and Supérieur (Lower and Upper Bergue), Fontan
  18. Notre Dame de la Visitation Church’s organ, Fontan
  19. Convent, known as Franciscan monastery and Church of Our Lady of Miracles (ND des Miracles), Saorge
  20. Parish church Santa-Maria in Albis, Breil-sur-Roya
  21. Pénitents noirs chapel (Chapel of the Black Penitents), known as Misericorde Chapel (Chapel of the Mercy), Breil-sur-Roya
  22. Saint-Marc de Piène-Haute Church, former parish church, Breil-sur-Roya

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